LT Spice Simulation - 12V Power Supply Design Using Operational Amplifier

 LT Spice Simulation - 12V Power Supply Design Using Operational Amplifier

In This Blog, I will explain the LT Spice Simulation for 12V power supply design using operation amplifier.

In last blog we have already seen the design of op-amp series voltage regulator. We have derived the equation for output voltage and understood the working of circuit diagram. So it is highly recommended to read the previous blog before reading this blog.

Specifications :

Vin = 18V to 24V

Vo = 12V

Io = 50mA

Components used :

D1 = 1N750 (4.7V Zener Diode)

Op-Amp = LT1368 (Rail to Rail Op-Amp)

Q1= BC846C (Ic = 100mA)




Calculation for Vo :

Vo = Vz * {(R1+R2)/R2)}

    = 4.7V * {(15.6K+10K)/10K}

    = 12.032V

BC847C works in a linear region to regulate the output voltage based on the output voltage of error amplifier. BC847C can source up to 100mA current to the load.

Complete explanation of LT Spice design & simulation can be seen in video tutorial.

Note : This circuit is not tested in production and it is only for educational purpose.

Thanks !!!

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